Visit of Project CityFace's memeber Yevhen Rachkov to the Fatih Sultan Mehmet University in Istanbul

16 April 2021 року

On April 12-16, 2021, within the Erasmus + academic mobility program, CityFace’s assistant project chair Yevhen Rachkov visited the Fatih Sultan Mehmet University in Istanbul (Turkey).

The program of the visit included lectures to university students, meetings with the leadership and lecturers of the Faculty of Literature and the Department of History (in particular, Prof. Zekeriya Kurşun, Prof. Hasip Saygili, Dr. Sami Arslan, Dr. Emine Tonta AK, etc.), as well as meetings with staff of the University International Relations Center (Bedia Tekin, Vusala Aghayeva, etc.).

Within the visit he informed the Turkish colleagues about the purpose, objectives and some outcomes of the project “CityFace: Practices of the Self-Representation of Multinational Cities in the Industrial and Post-Industrial Era.”

We would like to thank the Fatih Sultan Mehmet University in Istanbul for fruitful cooperation and look forward to its continuation.

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